March 10, 2025 - Austin, Texas - SXSW Festival - New Dutch Wave - 'Mirror Image' Showcase
March 13, 2025 - Austin, Texas - SXSW Festival - Classical Unlocked - 'Mirror Image' Showcase
March 14, 2025 - Austin, Texas - SXSW Festival - 'Mirror Image' Showcase
'Echo Collective's "Dante" is a transformative experience' - Earmilk
'Echo Collective Reshapes the Art of Sound in
Post-Classical EP, “Mirror Image” - Too Much Love
'“Mirror Image” is a stunning display of the talent and creativity of Echo Collective, who refuse to be pigeonholed in artistic terms, and instead, solidify their work as pioneers of
contemporary classical music.' - Mundane Magazine
'The ensemble's latest masterpiece, “Mirror Image,” delves into the realms of contemporary and experimental classical music. As I immersed myself in Echo Collective's “Mirror Image” I was transported into a vast soundscape filled with sweeping cinematic moments and enthralling instrumentalization that opened up to deeply intimate moments between one and the dramatic strings that tend to take up much of the spotlight.' - Rival Magazine